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Terry A. Yip

Ph.D. Economics, McMaster University

Welcome to my website! My fields of interest are in Public Economics, Labour Economics and Macroeconomics. I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Nipissing University.





The Canadian Income Taxation: Statistical Analysis and Parametric Estimates (with M. Kurnaz) Canadian Journal of Economics (2022), 55(1), 272-311

[working paper][Data Appendix: Tables]

Changes and Stability in Marital Status: Evidence from Canadian Income Tax Returns (with F. Denton and B. Spencer) Canadian Studies in Population (2021), 48 (2), 239-264

[working paper]

Return on Violin and Macroeconomic Fluctuation (with S. Gong and L. Chan) Journal of Cultural Economics. (2020), vol. 44: 339–346


Age-Income Dynamics Over the Life Course: Cohort Transition Patterns in Relative Income Based on Canadian Tax Returns

(with F. Denton and B. Spencer)  - Canadian Public Policy. December 2020, Vol. 46:4: 508-530

[working paper]

Baby Bonus, Anyone? Examining Heterogeneous Responses to a Pro-Natalist Policy (with N. Malak and M. RahmanJournal of Population Economics. October 2019, Vol. 32: 1205 

[paper] [working paper]

Working Papers:

Financial Shocks, Supply-chain Relationships and the Great Trade Collapse (with A. Johri) - Revision requested

[working paper

Labor Market Fluidity and Insurance Effects from Taxes and Hours (with  G. Cubas, M. Kurnaz, P. Silos)

An Analysis of the Unemployment Insurance Benefit Extensions in Canada: the Cases of Seasonal and Commodity-sector Workers (with D. Gray and P. Leonard)

The Scarring Effect of a Year Unemployment in Canada' (with M. Kurnaz)

Housing Investment during the Pandemic (with M. Karimzada and S. Khan​)

Labour Market Adjustment to Carbon Taxes (with J. Lesica and C.M Yip)

Work in Progress:

Canadian Income Taxation: A Panel Study Using Administrative Tax Records (with M. Kurnaz)

Policy Report:

Investigating Transfer Pathways and Early Workforce Earnings Trajectories in Ontario (with D. Zarifa, R. Milian and A. Beall) Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer: Policy Report (2024) 

Education and Experience


Ph.D. in Economics, McMaster University – 2018

M.A. in Economics, McMaster University – 2011
B.A. in Economics, Carleton University – 2010


Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nipissing University, 2021 - Current

Research Coordinator, McMaster University, 2018 – 2020
Research Assistant, McMaster University, 2013, 2014-2016, 2017 – 2018
Teaching Assistant, McMaster University, 2010-2015, 2017
Teaching Assistant, Carleton University, 2009-2010

Conference and Seminar Presentations:

2024: CEA Meeting, Employment and Social Development Canada

2023: Curtin University, CEA Meeting

2022: CEA meeting

2019: Academia Sinica, WEAI Conferences, CEA meeting, CFE conference
2018: University of New Brunswick, Annual Congress of the EEA, CRDCN Conference, CEA Meeting
2017: Annual Congress of the EEA, CEA Meeting, RES Conference
2016: Annual Conference of the ESPE, CEA meeting
2015: World Congress of the ES, Midwest Macro Meeting, CEA meeting



Introductory Macroeconomics (Winter 2022)
Math for Economics & Mgmt (Winter 2022, Fall 2022)

Economic of Aging (Winter 2018)
– (evaluation, average: 8.8)

Teaching Assistant experience:

Graduate Level

Econometrics I (Fall 2012), Microeconomic Theory for Public Policy (Fall 2011)

Undergraduate Level

Intermediate Microeconomics I (Summer 2017), Economic Issue (Summer 2015), Intermediate Macroeconomics I and II (Summer 2014 – Winter 2015), Topic in Economic Development (Winter 2014), Analysis of Economic Data I (Fall 2013), Financial Economics (Winter 2013), Economics Clinic (Fall 2012), International Monetary Economics (Winter 2012), Introduction to Advanced Economic Theory (Fall 2011), Introduction to Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (Fall 2010 – Winter 2011), Introduction to Economics (Fall 2009 – Winter 2010)

Alok Johri
McMaster University


Byron Spencer
McMaster University


Musab Kurnaz
UNC Charlotte


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