Terry A. Yip
Ph.D. Economics, McMaster University
Welcome to my website! My fields of interest are in Public Economics, Labour Economics and Macroeconomics. I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Nipissing University.
The Canadian Income Taxation: Statistical Analysis and Parametric Estimates (with M. Kurnaz) Canadian Journal of Economics (2022), 55(1), 272-311
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Changes and Stability in Marital Status: Evidence from Canadian Income Tax Returns (with F. Denton and B. Spencer) Canadian Studies in Population (2021), 48 (2), 239-264
Return on Violin and Macroeconomic Fluctuation (with S. Gong and L. Chan) Journal of Cultural Economics. (2020), vol. 44: 339–346
Age-Income Dynamics Over the Life Course: Cohort Transition Patterns in Relative Income Based on Canadian Tax Returns
(with F. Denton and B. Spencer) - Canadian Public Policy. December 2020, Vol. 46:4: 508-530
Baby Bonus, Anyone? Examining Heterogeneous Responses to a Pro-Natalist Policy (with N. Malak and M. Rahman) Journal of Population Economics. October 2019, Vol. 32: 1205
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Working Papers:
Financial Shocks, Supply-chain Relationships and the Great Trade Collapse (with A. Johri) - Revision requested
Labor Market Fluidity and Insurance Effects from Taxes and Hours (with G. Cubas, M. Kurnaz, P. Silos)
An Analysis of the Unemployment Insurance Benefit Extensions in Canada: the Cases of Seasonal and Commodity-sector Workers (with D. Gray and P. Leonard)
The Scarring Effect of a Year Unemployment in Canada' (with M. Kurnaz)
Housing Investment during the Pandemic (with M. Karimzada and S. Khan)
Labour Market Adjustment to Carbon Taxes (with J. Lesica and C.M Yip)
Work in Progress:
Canadian Income Taxation: A Panel Study Using Administrative Tax Records (with M. Kurnaz)
Policy Report:
Investigating Transfer Pathways and Early Workforce Earnings Trajectories in Ontario (with D. Zarifa, R. Milian and A. Beall) Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer: Policy Report (2024)
Education and Experience
Ph.D. in Economics, McMaster University – 2018
M.A. in Economics, McMaster University – 2011
B.A. in Economics, Carleton University – 2010
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nipissing University, 2021 - Current
Research Coordinator, McMaster University, 2018 – 2020
Research Assistant, McMaster University, 2013, 2014-2016, 2017 – 2018
Teaching Assistant, McMaster University, 2010-2015, 2017
Teaching Assistant, Carleton University, 2009-2010
Conference and Seminar Presentations:
2024: CEA Meeting, Employment and Social Development Canada
2023: Curtin University, CEA Meeting
2022: CEA meeting
2019: Academia Sinica, WEAI Conferences, CEA meeting, CFE conference
2018: University of New Brunswick, Annual Congress of the EEA, CRDCN Conference, CEA Meeting
2017: Annual Congress of the EEA, CEA Meeting, RES Conference
2016: Annual Conference of the ESPE, CEA meeting
2015: World Congress of the ES, Midwest Macro Meeting, CEA meeting
Introductory Macroeconomics (Winter 2022)
Math for Economics & Mgmt (Winter 2022, Fall 2022)
Economic of Aging (Winter 2018)
– (evaluation, average: 8.8)
Teaching Assistant experience:
Graduate Level
Econometrics I (Fall 2012), Microeconomic Theory for Public Policy (Fall 2011)
Undergraduate Level
Intermediate Microeconomics I (Summer 2017), Economic Issue (Summer 2015), Intermediate Macroeconomics I and II (Summer 2014 – Winter 2015), Topic in Economic Development (Winter 2014), Analysis of Economic Data I (Fall 2013), Financial Economics (Winter 2013), Economics Clinic (Fall 2012), International Monetary Economics (Winter 2012), Introduction to Advanced Economic Theory (Fall 2011), Introduction to Microeconomics and Macroeconomics (Fall 2010 – Winter 2011), Introduction to Economics (Fall 2009 – Winter 2010)
Musab Kurnaz
UNC Charlotte